
Learn Stock Market Investing and Trading for Free

Portfolio Tracker Excel Sheet Password

How to download?

The download contains

The process to download the file is very simple. You will need password to download the file. The password is given in below YouTube video. It will also explain you How to use the sheet as well. It is very important to learn how to use the sheet before downloading it. So you will have two purpose served in one go.

The Video also shows you functionality of the Sheet and how can use the information provided by the sheet for your buy and sell decision.

It helps you in efficient money allocation to particular stock and sector. Thus helping you with efficient money management which is key to success in Stock Market.

Password is given in the Video. You can watch either Hindi Video or English Video. Both of them have explanation as well as password.

English Video

Hindi Video

Once you have the password you can click on below link and enter the password to download the Excel sheets.

Download Link – First Get the password from Videos above