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Long Call Options strategy Nifty example profit

In this video I will discuss about most basic and introductory Options Strategy called Long Call. It is same as Buying Call or CE for any Stock or Index. This is fundamental strategy or operation which you need to understand before starting with other strategies. You will not make most of other strategies if you do not understand this concept. This is the simplest technique one can have in Option trading. So you need to understand this fundamental concept to proceed further.

If you are new to Options trading then I would suggest you to watch or read the Getting Started tutorial on Options . That will be excellent read and you can make most out of this tutorial as well.Below videos explain the concept with example of Nifty. It explains

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This is most basic and fundamental one so you need clear understanding of it before moving with other ones. So I would recommend you to watch the videos in order I have published or read the articles in order I have them. I have them numbered from 1 to 22. So you need to watch them or read them accordingly. Most of the techniques mentioned in later tutorials are combination of it along with other fundamental technique we will discuss in later articles.

This technique is mostly used by beginners without understanding the pros and cons of it which causes loss to them and soon after having few setbacks they have to leave it. As mentioned this is most used basic technique and people do not explore past it making it tough for them to understand limited risk techniques which is present there. This one is risky technique with all loss and profit mantra. So it is advised not to limit yourself with this technique only. It is best to read all the techniques and then decide which one to use.