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Technical Analysis Course

Course Description

Technical Analysis is huge topic. So I have divided it into multiple parts. Each of them are ordered in Sequence. It is recommended for the Beginners to follow the sequence. It will help you understand the topics better.

Experienced person can start it in any order of their choice. But it is good to learn about the basics. As with time we tend to ignore basic fundamental principles of Technical Analysis.

Beginners and Experienced may choose to read the Indicator part as per their own convenience. It is better to mock trade using Indicators for first few days to ensure you understand them before trying them out in real trade.

What will it cover?

Course Materials

Course will contain

How to make best out of it?

Course Sections

The course is divided into multiple sections. The sections are listed in order of Complexity and topics. You should start with the first section and move to next one for best results.

Each section has multiple lessons. Each lesson details with a specific topic in hand and provide you details of it. So you can think of it as step by step guide