Tata Group is the largest Business groups of India. We are using one or more than one product of Tata Group in our life. It has touched life of every investor. Group has large number of listed or unlisted entities. In this article I will discuss all the listed entities from the group. As an investor you can make money only from investing in those companies.
The group comprises of more than 100 companies spread across 6 continents.It is multi national group of India and perhaps the most popular one as well.Tata Group has many listed companies and most of them have made wealth for Investors in long run. Below is the list of companies from the group listed on stock exchanges NSE and BSE.
Tata group company performance
Below table summarizes performance by the listed companies over a period of two decades that is 20 years. I will also be discussing about the companies later in the article as well to give you an idea about them. I have ordered the table in order of performance. Note Tejas network which was bought recently is not included. It has doubled investor money in last five years.
Company | Return % |
Titan | 60157% |
Tata Elxsi | 17822% |
Trent | 13935% |
Tata Metaliks | 7610% |
Voltas | 6295% |
Nelco | 5197% |
Tata Consumer products | 3289% |
Tata investment | 2872% |
TCS | 2525% |
Rallis India | 2358% |
Tata Chemicals | 1956% |
Tata Power | 1821% |
Tata Steel | 1426% |
Tata Motors | 1385% |
Tata Coffee | 1184% |
The Indian hotels | 1012% |
Tata Teleservices | 750% |
Tata communications | 661% |
Note if you closely see above none of the companies have given negative returns to investors. In fact barring two companies (Tata Teleservices and Tata Communications) all have given more than 10 times returns to investors in last twenty years. Three companies Titan, Tata Elxsi and Trent have given more than 100 times return in last twenty years which is phenomenal by any means.
Tata group company market cap
Below table categorizes the companies based on their market capitalization. Many investors prefer to invest based on market cap of the company so I have listed them in Largecap, Midcap and Smallcap categories. Note five of the companies from below list are present in Nifty50 as well. It is the corporate group with most numbers of companies present in Nifty50.
Company | Marketcap |
Titan | Largecap |
Tata Elxsi | Largecap |
Trent | Largecap |
Voltas | Largecap |
Tata Consumer products | Largecap |
TCS | Largecap |
Tata Power | Largecap |
Tata Steel | Largecap |
Tata Motors | Largecap |
The Indian hotels | Largecap |
Tata investment | Midcap |
Tata Chemicals | Midcap |
Tata Teleservices | Midcap |
Tata communications | Midcap |
Tata Metaliks | Smallcap |
Nelco | Smallcap |
Rallis India | Smallcap |
Tata Coffee | Smallcap |
Tejas Network | Midcap |
If you see above some of the companies from the group are still Smallcap. I have provided details about the company later in this article so that you can have get more details about them.
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Tata group company details
Nelco – Smallest Tata group company
Nelco works in area of Communications. Many does not know that it belongs to Tata Group of Companies. The Company offers solutions in areas of VSAT connectivity, Satcom Projects and Integrated Security & Surveillance Solutions. In simple terms VSAT receives and transmits data from Satellites.
The VSAT services are used in
- Bank ATM
- Bank Branches
- Renewable Energy
- Enterprise
- Oil, Energy and Gas
- Maritime
Integrated security and surveillance solutions offers end to end security and surveillance solutions.It has completed few major projects which will help it get more projects of similar stature. The Company have completed few land mark projects like
- Implemented largest turn key project in Asia for Ministry of Defense
- It has Pan India satellite network in 53 countries.
- Provides consultancy services to one of the biggest telecom operator in Africa
It has wholly owned subsidiary Tatanet services which provides satellite communications services across India. It has installed base of 50,000+ VSATs on its network which makes it one of the largest VSAT communications company in India. It offers services to Government companies as well as Private Companies.
Rallis India – Small cap Agriculture sector company
Rallis India is subsidiary of Tata Chemicals. It belong to Agriculture sector. The business operations of the Company can be divided into below groups
- Domestic Crop Protection
- Pesticides – Fungicides, Herbicides etc
- Seed treatment chemicals – Insecticides
- House hold products – Termiticide
- International Business
- It exports to 70 countries
- major exports are Insecticides, Formulations and Contract Manufacturing products
- Contract Manufacturing
- Involves manufacturing of products in categories like crop protection chemicals, Specialty Chemicals, Polymers and Intermediates with Client participation
- Seeds
- Bt Cotton
- Bt Rice
- Plant Growth Nutrients
- Crop nutrition products
- Also markets products from Borax Europe
- Agri Services
- Has started different Agri services like Organic compost under name Geogreen
- Samrudh Krishi to increase yield covering Grapes, Chili and Pomegranate.
It has great distribution network. The distribution network covers 80% of India’s districts with more than 1500 dealers and 40,000 retailers across India.Zero Waste Agro Organics limited is subsidiary Company of it.It manufactures organic soil conditioning fertilizers. This space is currently dominated by foreign multinational companies like Bayer cropsciences and Sumitomo.
Tata Chemicals – Chemicals and EV theme play
Tata Chemicals has been rated as one of the top 10% in Business and Consumer brands across all industry and consumer brand categories in India by Super brands.It is 3rd largest soda ash manufacturer and the 6th largest sodium bicarbonate manufacturer in the world. It can be divided into three different business verticals. The business verticals are
- Basic Chemistry Products
- Specialty Products
Below are basic chemistry products Soda Ash, Sodium Bicarbonate, Cement and allied chemicals. Note depending upon the Geography different products are available under basic chemistry products.Like only Soda Ash is sold only in North America and South Africa. The other products are not sold in these areas
The Specialty product segment is divided into four parts Agro Sciences, Nutritional Sciences, Material Sciences and Energy Sciences. Rallis India and Metahelix are subsidiaries dealing with Agro Sciences segment. Note Rallis is listed Company on Exchanges.
The products created under Material Sciences have application in Tyre and Rubber Industry.It is also venturing into Battery recycling and Battery production which will propel future growth. It is one of EV sector theme stocks as well. Consumer products division is merged with Tata global beverages to form Tata consumer products. This is no longer part of Tata chemicals.
Tata Coffee – Evergreen Sustainable company
Tata Coffee is one of the largest coffee plantation and processing companies in the World. It is also largest producer of original Indian pepper.The products from Company can be divided into four parts as mentioned below
- Instant Coffee
- It has four product variants
- Spray dried
- Agglomerate
- Coffee mixes
- Freeze dried
- Total capacity being 1350 MT per year
- Green Bean
- It has three variants
- Washed Arabica
- Washed Robusta
- Monsooned
- Pepper
- One of the largest Corporate producer of Black and White pepper
- It produces some of the best variants of pepper
- Tea
- It has 7 Tea Estates
- It has producing capacity of 7.5 million kilogram of Tea per year
- Can be categorized in two groups Orthodox and CTC
The Company has global presence. It has Coffee processing unit in Vietnam as well. The Company also has offices in US for the brand Eight O Clock Coffee.The Company is self sufficient in energy demands and produces clean energy to meet internal requirements.It is one of the sustainable companies listed on stock exchanges. The reason is simple. It sells beverages like Coffee and Tea. These two are most popular beverages all over world. In my opinion this one is prime candidate to get merged with Tata consumer products if the group wants to make its FMCG company backward integrated.
Tata Communications – Providing Internet infrastructure
TATA Communications is in Communications sector. It is one of the leading Company in this sector. Operates the largest wholly owned and most advanced subsea fibre network which underpins the internet backbone, where its network carries around 30% of the world’s internet routes.It is present in more than 200 countries in the World. It connects 80% of mobile subscribers in the World which itself is huge achievement for the Company.
It serves 60% of Fortune 500 Companies which again shows the dominant market position of the Company. It has more than 7 thousand clients which are spread all across different continents in the World.It drives the next level of intelligence powered by cloud, mobility, IoT, collaboration, security and network services. Below are list of services and products offered by this Company
- Network Solutions – Runs 30% of World Internet routes
- Cloud Solutions – Digital Infrastructure services
- Security – Managed security services
- Mobile and IoT solutions – eSim features, Cross border cellular connectivity
- Unified Communications – Voice solutions, Contact center as services
- Carrier Services – Mobile messaging exchange, Voice access services
- Media and Entertainment Services – Live event services, Media cloud infrastructure services
- Content Delivery Network – Video CDN, CDN security and Image Optimization
Tata Consumer products – FMCG giant in making
The Company is now touted as FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) Company from the house of Tata and is getting valued like that as well. It has presence in 40 Countries in the World. It has below joint ventures
- NourishCo Beverages Limited with Pepsico
- Tata Starbucks private limited with Starbucks
- Southern Tea LLC
- Tetley ACI
- Tetley Clover
- Joekels Tea Packers
Out of these first two are worth mentioning. NourishCo produces non carbonated ready to drink beverages. Tata Starbucks operates Starbucks cafes in India. Below are major products from the company
- Tea
- Tata Tea
- Tetley
- Vitax
- Good Earth
- Jemca
- Teapigs
- Joekels
- Coffee
- Eight o Clock
- Grand
- Tata Coffee Grand
- Map Coffee
- Water
- Himalayan
- Tata Gluco plus
- Tata Water plus
- Nutrient Products
- Tata NX health drinks
- Tata Salt
- Tata Sampann
- Brand which sells products like Pulses and ready to cook mixtures
It is also engaged in manufacture of Instant Green Tea and Instant Black Tea. These are essential ingredients for ready to drink products like Iced Tea and 3 in 1 tea. These ready to drink products are gaining traction in recent times. The Stock has given 20 times return in this long term price performance chart. The Dividend yield is also good at more than .5%. The price has fluctuated great deal in last couple of years. So investors should take a note before making any investment decision.
Tata Sampann is one of the packaged food items play which will propel future growth of the company in my opinion. This is under penetrated area in India and entry of deep pocket group will help it grow in this field.
Tata Elxsi – Niche IT sector company
Tata Elxsi is yet another Technology Company from Tata Group. The other Company being TCS which is one of the leading Company in India based on Market Cap. TCS is also largest IT Services Company in India.Tata Elxsi provides design and technology services to Automotive, Broadcast, Communications and Healthcare. The Company caters mainly below industries based on the revenue in current year. Note I have only shown the top industry verticals
- Transportation
- Broadcast and Communications
- Healthcare and Medical devices
These three are main industries it serves. Transportation being the dominant one. Tata Motors another Company from same corporate group is customer of this Company.Different services offered by this Company are
- Design
- Product Engineering
- Bug Data Analytics
- Internet of Things
- Content Development
- Systems Integration
It has technology partnership with various leading Companies including Apple, Google Cloud, Intel and Qualcomm. NOS, a Portugal based entertainment & communication provider, collaborated with Tata Elxsi to launch a Digital Centre of Excellence.It partnered with Airtel to deliver an engaging digital platform for customers with an innovative hybrid DTH set-top-box giving Internet TV.
Tata Investment Corporation – Mutual Fund like Stock
Tata Investment Corporation limited is Non Banking Financial Company. It is typically involved in long term investment activities (Equity and similar instruments).The Company has book value of over Rs.2200 crores with an approximate market value of Rs. 9300 crores as at 31st March, 2019 spread over 91 companies in various industries from investment activities.
It also has subsidiary company Simto investment company limited.Simto also does investment activities but not necessarily long term investments as Parent Company.The Company also has below associate Companies
- Tata Asset Management (TAM)
- The Company holds 32.09% of the equity share capital of Tata Asset Management Ltd.
- TAM acts as investment manager to Tata Mutual Funds.
- Tata Trustee Company
- It holds 50% of equity share capital in this Company.
- It acts as a trustee to Tata mutual fund
- Amalgamated plantations private limited
- It holds 24.61% of the equity share capital of Amalgamated Plantations Private Ltd
- This Company is involved in cultivation and manufacturing of Tea and allied agricultural products. It also has packaging services as well.
Tata Sons, together with other Tata companies, holds approximately 73.38% of the paid-up capital of Tata Investment Corporation Limited. as on 31st March, 2019.The dividend yield of the Company is very good which is positive for investors. At current level it is more than 2.5%. It can be treated as a holding company and mutual fund combination as it has investment in 91 stocks and also have holding company structure. So investors can have a look at this company from that angle as well.
Tata Metaliks – Niche Steel products company
Tata Metaliks is subsidiary of Tata Steel. Both are listed entities from same corporate groups.The Company was formed thirty years ago in year 1990. It has manufacturing facility in Kharagpur city of West Bengal.The Company has annual hot metal production capability of 5 million tonnes. Out of that 60% of hot metal or around 3 lakh tonnes is converted to Pig iron whereas rest of hot metal that is 2 lakh tonnes or 40% is converted to Ductile Iron pipes.
Below are major products from the Company along with brand name
- Tata eFee Pig Iron
- Tata Ductura – DI pipes
Below are list of by products manufactured by the Company
- Granulated Blast Furnace Slag used in cement plants
- Potted Pig Iron used in Foundries
- Pig Iron Scrap
- Iron Sweepings
The Company claims to create first branded Pig Iron in World which is indeed a commendable feat. It has international presence as well. Company operates in Middle East countries and South East Asian countries.It has sales network spread all over the country.It also offers services to Foundry companies. This acts as additional revenue stream for the Company.
Tata Motors – Automobile arm of the Group
Tata Motors is one of the top Automobile Company of India as well as World. It has national as well as international presence. The Company is $45 billion. The Company is present in 145 countries across the Globe. It is the most widely spread Company from Tata Group.
The Company has manufacturing operations in the UK, South Korea, Thailand, South Africa, Indonesia, Austria and Slovakia. It has joint ventures with Fiat and Marcopolo.The Company has three major product division as mentioned below. I have also given brand names and vehicle types in each division. It is worth mentioning that Company has major international presence with Jaguar Land Rover brands.
- Cars and Utility Vehicles
- Sports Utility vehicle (Harrier, Safari, Nexon)
- Sedans (Tigor, Zest)
- Hatchbacks (Nano, Altroz, Tiago, Bolt)
- Trucks and Buses
- Cargo (Yodha, Ace Gold, Prima, Intra)
- Passenger Transportation (Buses, Magic, Winger)
- Defense
- Defense is not so well known segment of Tata Motors. It is famous for above two categories.
- It has supplied more than 1.5 lakh vehicles to armed forces globally
- It also designed Wheeled infantry combat vehicle
- Land System order for high mobility vehicles from Defense
The Company has significant presence in International market. So along with domestic market performance, International market performance is important. Jaguar is one of the most popular and well known vehicle brands in the World. So performance of this brand in overseas market drives profitability of Tata Motors on a whole. It is also one of EV theme play company as it is bringing new electric vehicle companies in Indian market and foreign markets as well.
Tata Power – Renewable energy play
It is India’s largest integrated power company. The Company is more than 100 years old. It started operations in year 1915 when India’s first large hydro-electric project was established in Khopoli, Maharashtra.It is another EV theme play company from house of Tata. It is structured into different business verticals as outlined below
- Renewables
- Conventional Generation
- Hydro Power
- Thermal Power
- Heat Recovery Waste
- Power Transmission
- Power Distribution
- Power Solutions
- EV Charging stations
- Home Automation
- Trading
- It is is the first company in India to be awarded a power trading license by Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
- Services
Below are the major product lines and power plants set up by this Company. The total power generation along with types of power generated by the Company is listed below.
- Solar Generation Projects – 175 MW
- Wind Generation Projects – 330 MW
- Solar EPC Ground Mount projects – 105 MW
- Solar Rooftops projects – 15 MW
- Hydro Generation projects – 570 MW
- Thermal Generation projects – 7,000 MW
- Waste Heat Recovery Generation – 375 MW
- Micro Grids – 2 MW
The Micro Grids and Electric Vehicle Charging along with Renewable energy are new growing focus area of the Company. It is present across India. Is is also eyeing International boundaries to expand its foot print. Under that initiative it has setup offices in South Africa to cater the African Continent. It has also setup offices in Singapore and Indonesia to cater the Asian countries of that region. It is one of the largest renewable energy company in India with presence in all types of renewable energy which makes it an unique company to keep on your records.
Tata Steel – Steel powerhouse from the group
Tata Steel is second most geographically diversified steel producer in the World as of now. It is one of the top 15 largest Steel producer Company in the World (as of now it is at 11th rank).
It is also one of the largest Company in India as well. Recently India has overtaken Japan as second largest steel producing Company in the World.It is one of the few steel operations company that are fully integrated – from mining to the manufacturing and marketing of finished products.
The business operations of the Company can be divided into three geographies. The three geographies are India, Europe and South East Asia.The raw materials operations are spread in India and Canada. This helps it lower production cost.
It operates in 26 countries and have commercial operations in 50 countries.It also creates products from Steel. Various dedicated product divisions are Ferro-alloys and Minerals, Tubes, Wires, Bearings, Agrico, Industrial By-products Management & Tata Growth Shop.
It has annual crude steel capacity across Indian operations is nearly 13 MnTPA. It started Europe operation in year 2007 after acquiring Corus. It is not second largest producer of Steel in Europe with production capability of 12.1 MnTPA.
It also expanded its footprint in South East Asia with acquisition of NatSteel Singapore.It also acquired Millennium Steel, Thailand which helped its presence in Thailand. In South East Asia it has presence in Thailand, Singapore and China.
Tata Teleservices – A rare miss of the group
Tata Teleservices is in Telecom and Communications sector. The Company sold mobile sims under the brand name Tata Docomo. The Company also had Broadband services.It operated broadband services under the name Tata Tele Broadband in few circles of the country.
The mobile network division of Tata Docomo, Tata Teleservices and Tata Teleservices Maharastra limited was sold to Airtel recently. The Company exited the business completely due to losses and debt on the Company.
As of now Company does operate its broadband services. The broadband services are in selected cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Nagpur, Hyderabad. It also operates few services like
- Voice Solutions
- Toll free solutions
- Call Registry services
- School Bus tracking
- SMS solutions
So it has transformed itself into Broadband Company in select circles which provides some services related to voice and telephony.
TCS – Cash cow of the group
Tata Consultancy Services in short TCS is crown jewel of Tata Group. It is one of the top companies (only behind Reliance) as of this writing on market exchanges.It is the largest IT company of India as of now. The Company is also considered as one of the top IT Services Company in the World as well. It employs more than 4 lakh employees world wide and is present in all major countries of World.
TCS has wide range of operations. The business can be classified into two major heads.
- Products —
- It is the specialized TCS created software packages or solutions.
- The Company may offer these packages as solution and also offer support for these packages. This provides two revenue streams (one for the package and other for the support)
- Chroma
- Ignio
- Jile
- TCS Optumera
- Quartz Blockchain
- TCS Mastercraft
- Services —
- The Company also offers maintenance and development services to support information technology need of different Companies.
- For example SBI has online banking website. It requires regular update and maintenance. It requires fixing of issues. The website may not be created using TCS solution. But SBI can tell TCS to take care of everything.
- SBI will pay TCS based on amount of work performed (staff count etc).
- I have taken SBI as an example. But TCS caters clients from different industries and geographies.
Indian Hotels – Company behind Taj Hotels
The Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL) is South Asia’s largest hospitality company by market capitalization. It is more than 100 yer old Company. So there is no question about sustainability of the Company.The Company has diversified operations which can be categorized into below categories. Below is list of business categories along with brands under that category.
Hospitality refers to Hotels business. The most prominent brand under Hospitality are
- Taj – 85 hotels in 54 destinations
- SeleQtions – 14 hotels in 11 destinations
- Vivanta – 32 hotels in 26 destinations
- Ginger – 64 hotels in 41 destinations
- Ama stays and trails – 9 bungalows in 2 destinations
In above list Taj is the brand of Company. This business category is collaborative venture between Indian hotels and SATS (formerly Singapore Airport Terminal Services). It operates in six cities and have forty two percent market share. It is India’s leading airline caterer and a leading institutional player.Under this head it operates many retail chains catering specific services
- Jiva – Wellnesss
- Khazana – Lifestyle Boutique
- Salon – Beauty
- Food and Beverages – Dining
- The Chambers – Exclusive business club
It also offers additional services like Taj Holidays and Taj Expressions Gift Card. For wedding it has specialist service like Timeless wedding at Taj and Warmer welcomes.
Titan – Rakesh Jhunjhunwala core stock
It was formed as joint venture between the TATA Group and Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO). Over the years the Company has grown leaps and bounds. It has entered into different product spaces as well.The Company is part of Nifty 50 as of now. It is one of the leading watch manufacturer in the World now. This company formed the core portfolio of leading investor of India Rakesh Jhunjhunwala.
In this section we will discuss about different business verticals of Titan. The main business divisions of Titan are
- Watches and Accessories
- It is oldest business vertical of the Company.
- It has major watch market share in India.
- Top watch brands selling in India are from it
- Major Brands are Titan, Nebula, Fastrack, Xylys, Juxt and Sonata
- Helios serves International brands to Indian Customers.
- Major international brands sold are Versace, Seiko, Movado, Hugo Boss, Citizen, Fossil, DKNY, Roberto Cavalli,Tommy Hilfiger, Raymond Weil, Victorinox and more.
- Jewellery
- This is the second major segment in which Company ventured into after watches.
- Tanishq is major brand in Jewellery segment.
- Some other innovative products from this division are Jodha Akbar, Inara, Ganga, Taj, Mia, Iva, Divine Chants and Glam gold.
- Company is using advanced technology like Nano Technology in Jewellery design. This is added advantage of Company compared to peers and small retailer.
- Eyewear
- Eyewear is the newest segment compared to Watches and Jewellery.
- Titan Eye+ is the retail arm of the Company dealing with Eyecare.
- It has technical collaboration with Shankar Nethralaya.
- New Business division
- Taneira is collection of handlooms like Mugas from Assam, cottons from Chettinad, Tussars from Bhagalpur, Ikats from Gujarat, Andhra and Orissa, Jamdhanis from Bengal, Chikankari work from Lucknow, exotic Banarasi silks, exquisite Kanjeevarams, heirloom pieces like Patan Patolas, Muslin Jamdhanis and so on.
- It has an expansive collection of over 3,500 exquisitely beautiful sarees, lehengas, yardages, stoles and dupattas priced from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 2.5 lakh.
- Skinn deals with fragrance industry.
- The current portfolio of SKINN includes these 6 exciting variants in the EDP (Eau De Parfum) format
Trent – Retail sector giant in making
It was established in 1998. It is one of the leading players in branded retail industry in India. The Company has diversified operations. It is also retail front arm of Tata Group. The products offered by this Company are different than that of Titan which also has retail presence. The Company operates in four divisions as mentioned below
- Westside
- It has 83 westside stores in 82 cities all over India
- It has exclusive range of branded apparel.
- It has 22 designed and delivered fashion brands.
- It operates in Kidswear, Womenwear, Menwear, Shoes, Bags and Beauty products.
- Stores are present in all major cities of the Country
- Zudio
- Zudio is less prominent compared to Westside.
- It has 20 stores in 12 cities of India
- You can shop Zudio products online on Tatacliq.
- As mentioned above it operates in same segment as Westside but former have major presence across the Country
- Star
- You may have seen Star Bazaar.
- It is part of Star business segment of Trent
- There are 26 Super market and 10 Hypermarket
- It deals with fresh food and grocery retail chain
- It is the newest business vertical in which the Company has ventured in.
- As of now it is mainly concentrated in Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru and Hyderabad.
- So there is lot of expansion potential in this area.
- Landmark
- This business segment is Family entertainment theme based
- The products sold under this segment are Toys, Books and entertainment items.
- The products are sold from Westside stores. This segment also have five independent stores as well.
Voltas – Air conditioning at Burj Khalifa
Voltas is one of the oldest Air Conditioning & Cooling Companies in India. It has history of sixty years. It is also one of the largest Air Conditioner companies in World.Below are the list of products from this Company
- Inverter Air Conditioners
- Air Conditioners
- Air Coolers
- Air Purifiers
- Commercial Refrigerators
- Water Dispensers
The products from this Company are available on leading eCommerce channels. TATA also has in house eCommerce platform TATA Cliq which also sells products from this Company.It also has completed many international projects the most stand out is air conditioning in the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa. The Company is divided into two business divisions. One being the projects business and other is products business.
The projects business takes up domestic as well as international projects like the one mentioned above of Burj Khalifa. The products business focuses mainly on creating and innovating the products like Air Conditioners and other products mentioned above.
Tejas network – Newest listed company
Panatone Finvest owns majority stake in Tejas network. Panatone finvest is wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Sons. The company was founded in year 2000. In last one decade it has expanded its presence and product are used in more than 75 countries. It also has presence or offices in more than 10 countries.The products from the company are
- Wireline optical transport, FTTX
- Secure ethernet
- IP switches
- Network management software
- Fixed and mobile wireless access both 4G and 5G
Products from the company is used in Bharatnet and Airtel as well. It has filed around 350 patents out of which 127 has been granted to the company.
Tata Group of Company Index
Performance measurement is one important aspect to make your decision about Investment. Below Graph shows performance of Tata Group of companies over a period of time. Basically the money Grew by 6 fold in these years if one has invested in these companies in ratio of their market capitalization as mentioned after the graph.
NSE has come up with Index called Nifty Tata Group. Below graph shows performance of Nifty Tata Group over the years. As you can see people can easily gain multi fold returns just by investing in this Index companies.

As mentioned above the Image shows performance graph of Nifty Tata Group. It has easily outperformed Nifty as well as other Nifty indexes. Below companies are part of this Index in following weight.Note I have not considered numbers after decimal. I have ignored them and rounded off for better reading and clarity. If you see TCS has the highest weightage whereas some companies have only 1% weight. So performance of TCS will have telling impact on the Index performance.
Company | Weightage |
Titan | 07 |
TCS | 67 |
Trent | 01 |
Voltas | 02 |
Tata Consumer products | 01 |
Tata Power | 02 |
Tata Steel | 06 |
Tata Motors | 07 |
The Indian hotels | 01 |
Tata Chemicals | 02 |
In Fundamental Analysis judging Management Pedigree is one of the most important aspect. Since these companies are from TATA that aspect is already taken care of. You can now analyze these companies in isolation and then decide which one you want to track and put your money in.
Tata group has largest number of companies as part of Nifty50. It has give companies in Nifty50 which is 10%. So 10% of the index comes from one corporate group. The companies in index are
- Tata Motors
- Titan
- Tata Steel
- Tata Consumer products
Apart from this feat if you closely observe the performance shared above then in long term each one has given positive returns to investors. We can debate on Tata Teleservices failure which has given positive returns returns but investors have also lost money in it. Barring one or two such cases the group has performed well for investors and is termed as one of the most investor friendly corporate groups.
The idea of this post was to make you aware of all companies from this group so that your circle of companies increase. Typically retail investors are carried away with companies in news and then invest in it. You can have these companies in your watch list so that you can track and analyze the companies further.