Business Overview
Aneri Fincap was known as Farry industries limited in past. It is non banking financial company. It offers various type of loans to Retail and Corporate clients.
The Company has headquarters in Mumbai. There is not much information available on this Company.
Stock Performance
Above is long term price performance chart of the Stock.It got listed in year 2010 at price of 16 INR. Since then it has not performed on exchanges. It is regularly making new lows if you see year wise year price chart.
It does not have good dividend paying history as well. So investors have not made any money in this counter by price appreciation as well as dividend.
My Opinion
Aneri Fincap is non banking financial company based in Mumbai. The Company is not backed by any popular corporate house or banking entity. There is not much information present on website about this Company.
Investing in unknown small non banking financial company is not advisable. I would not advice retails small investors to invest money in these type of Companies.
A single big bad loan may cripple small companies. So it is better to invest in established player if you are planning to invest in NBFC.