Genus power Infrastructure Ltd Detail
Genus power Infrastructure Ltd is in portfolio of Ajay Upadhyay. He is one of the top investors in India. The company belongs to Power sector.
As per the Company website it is an Power Company mainly providing solutions to Power sector companies. The Company has two divisions Metering division and Engineering Construction and Contracts division.
The Metering Solution Division provides a complete range of Electricity Meters such as Multi-Functional Single Phase and Three Phase Meters, CT Operated Meters, ABT & Grid Meters, DT Meters, Pre-Payment Meters, Smart Meters, Net Meters, AMI, MDAS etc.
The Engineering Construction and Contracts Division undertakes Turnkey power projects such as Sub-Station erection upto 420kV, Laying up of transmission & distribution lines, Rural Electrification, Switchyard, Network Refurbishment etc.
The product and services of the Company are outlined below
- Metering
- Electricity
- Smart Grid
- Gas
- Engineering Construction and Contracts
- Switch Yards or Sub stations
- Distribution / Transmission lines
- Rural Electrification
- Hybrid Micro circuits
- Custom made circuit modules. Have wide rang of applications and are Customer requirement driven.
I have shared long term price performance chart of the Company below.As per Dow theory of technical analysis price performance over a period of time reflects Company state.
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Genus power Infrastructure Ltd Stock Performance

The stock listed at wrong time. Soon after listing at price of 90 INR it suffered due to Global Crisis and touched single digit price. This was serious wealth destruction for investors. Due to this abnormal wealth destruction it went out of favor and traded flat basically for next few years giving little to no return.
The renewable energy sector became buzz word after year 2014 with Government focus on it and bull run also helped the stock reach its listing price. The Company has good dividend yield at current market price and investors who invested at bottom have received decent returns in the counter.
Genus power Infrastructure Ltd My Opinion
Genus power Infrastructure Ltd is a Power Company.Company has good reputed Client list like Tata Power, Torrent power, CESC and Desco. It has wide range of products and services for Power sector.
Company is also focusing on Smart Cities and Smart Grids. These are the future buzz words. Government of India has identified many Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities for Smart City projects. This Company can contribute in this area. But some multinational companies are major player in Smart City niche as well.
After initial jump the stock is in consolidation mode now. I am not yet invested in Power sector or companies catering power sector. This is very capital intensive sector and is not performing well over the years. Still the space is dominated by Government Companies.
In case you are interested then you can track the company by adding it to your stock watch list. That way you can keep close eye on the Company.