Hinduja Ventures Detail
Hinduja Ventures is in portfolio of Dilip Kumar Lakhi. He is one of the top investors in India. The company belongs to Finance sector.
As per the Company website it provides wide range of products and services in more than 50 countries. The group operations are divided into three major categories
- Global Investment
- Investment Banking
- International Trading
Hinduja Group is a major player in Automotive Manufacturing, Financial Services, Banking, Trading, Oil, Media & Communications, Information Technology, Chemicals & Infrastructure and Projects Development.
I have shared long term price performance chart of the Company below.As per Dow theory of technical analysis price performance over a period of time reflects Company state.
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Hinduja Ventures Stock Performance

The stock has not given any positive returns to investors over past sixteen years or so.The stock is trading at basically same levels if you compare 2002 price with that of current price. The only comforting factor is high dividend yield which is more than 4% at current market price.
Looking at above chart better buying price is around 200 INR or just above it.Most of the time stock trades between 200 and 400 range. This stock at best can be trading stock with 200 or just above price as buying price and 400 around price to be selling price.
Hinduja Ventures My Opinion
Hinduja Ventures is an Finance Company. Below are some companies which are past of Hinduja Group.It will give you an idea about the Group operations and brands it is associated with. I am quoting the listed companies below. Along with these listed Companies there are unlisted ones as well.
- Ashok Leyland
- Gulf Oil Corporation
- Indus Ind Bank
All these are one of the best Companies in their niche. IndusInd is one of the best performing private sector banks as of now. Ashok Leyland is top names in Commercial vehicle space. Gulf Oil Corporation is also part of this ace investor portfolio.
As mentioned above looking at above Company it suits more as trading stock than a investment grade stock. The fluctuating price performance over the years have proved no returns if investors have held on to it.
Instead it was way more profitable to trade it like buying at lower point and selling at higher point (buying as close to 200 and selling around 400 mark). That way people have made money.
I have already invested to Finance sector and in investment grade stock. I will not track or invest in this Company as of now. I am exploring one more stock in this sector and may increase my exposure in the sector.
In case you are interested then you can track the company by adding it to your stock watch list. That way you can keep close eye on the Company.