SMIFS Capital Markets Ltd Detail
SMIFS Capital Markets Ltd is in portfolio of Subramanian P. He is one of the top investors in India. The company belongs to Financial sector.
As per the Company website it is a SEBI registered Category – I Merchant Banker and Underwriter with experienced team of professionals with demonstrated skills in areas of corporate finance, merchant banking, corporate advisory services, treasury management, project finance and underwriting.
It has associates in all major metros and cities of the country viz., Kolkata, Chennai, New Delhi, Bangalore & Hyderabad. The registered office is in Kolkata.Below are some major business areas Company operates in
- Merchant Banking and Investment Banking
- Public Issue / Right Issue / Preferential Allotment
- Private Placement
- Underwriting
- Dealers in Debt, Bond and G Sec
- Financial Advisory services
- Merger, Acquisition and Take Overs
- Load Syndication
- Project financing through Financial Institution and Banks
- Marketing of IPO and Mutual Funds
I have shared long term price performance chart of the Company below.As per Dow theory of technical analysis price performance over a period of time reflects Company state.
SMIFS Capital Markets Ltd Stock Performance

The stock has one major building in this long term chart. Near year 2008 just before the Global Crisis it was trading above 150 mark at all time high levels. After the global crisis stock prices plumbed below 50 INR mark and till now it has not recovered from that fall.
Except the jump in year 2008 it has not managed to cross 50 INR mark and stay there for sometime. So effectively stock has not made any money for investors in long run. The only good thing in price performance is that it has maintained the level. It also pays more than 2% dividend at current market price which is excellent by any standard. But lack of positive price movement is not helping investors.
SMIFS Capital Markets Ltd My Opinion
SMIFS Capital Markets Ltd is a Financial sector company. It deals with wide range of financial activities like merger and acquisition (all of the activities are mentioned in details section).
For these type of Financial activities big banking entities are preferred. The top banks and financial institutes having seen and performed these types of activities generally bag these type of orders.
There is stiff competition in areas it operates in. It is very difficult for new player or small players to grow and gain market share in this niche. Due to these reasons I am not interested in this stock. I will not be tracking it. I have already invested in Financial Sector and do not want to increase my exposure.
In case you are interested then you can track the company by adding it to your stock watch list. That way you can keep close eye on the Company.