Twenty First Century Management Services Detail
Twenty First Century Management Services is in portfolio of Vanaja Sunder Iyer. He is one of the top investors in India. The company belongs to Finance sector.
As per the Company website it is a listed company engaged in investments in Capital and Debt Instruments. The company has a wholly owned subsidiary which is a trading member of the National Stock Exchange of India Limited.
The Company has registered office in Chennai and Corporate office in Mumbai.
I have shared long term price performance chart of the Company below.As per Dow theory of technical analysis price performance over a period of time reflects Company state.
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Twenty First Century Management Services Stock Performance
Looking at long term price chart retail investors will get nervous. The Stock price movement is erratic to say the least.In year 2007-08 it has zoomed from 50 odd levels to more than 100 and in the same year it nose dived to below 10 levels.
That event can be blamed on to Global Crisis but after that also it has erratic price movement as well. During year 2011 and 2014 it exhibits same characteristic rise and sudden fall.
These types of Companies are tough to predict and rely upon. So it is better to get rid of these Companies and do not make them part of portfolio.
Twenty First Century Management Services My Opinion
Twenty First Century Management Services is a Financials Company.The Company website does not provide enough information about it and areas of operation. Also the price performance does not give any comfort to a person.
I will not recommend to invest or track this Company. This can be part of expert investors but not retail investors. Expert investors can time the entry and exit. They can also take pain of huge loss in a counter but it is tough for retail investors.