Anjani Synthetics Limited Detail
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Anjani Synthetics Limited is in portfolio of Subramanian P. He is one of the top investors in India. The company started its operation in year 1984. It was established in Ahmedabad Gujarat. It is a Textile company.There are quite a number of textiles companies in portfolio of Subramanian P.
Below is list of products Anjani Synthetics make. Note all of them are textiles products only but will give you idea about wide range of items produced by the Company.
- Bed Sheets
- Dress Materials
- Suiting and Shirting
- Curtains
The registered office and factory both are situated in Ahmedabad only. You can view this company as just another textile company. The price performance of it will give more details on year after year growth of the Company.
Below is long term price performance of the Company.As per Dow theory of technical analysis price performance over a period of time reflects Company state.
Anjani Synthetics Limited Performance
![Anjani Synthetics Limited Stock Performance 2018](
Anjani Synthetics Limited has exciting graph to say the least. Some may say it is operator driver some may say prices were manipulated. I do not want to get into that discussion here. Swift movement in stock prices always raises eye brows.
The Company was trading around 3 mark in year 2002.It zoomed past 60 and get near 80 mark in year 2008. This is more than 20 times return in such a short period of time. People investing in that period made fortunes in the counter.
During next couple of years it moved swiftly upwards and downwards. The movement were sudden and surprising. Many made money and many were destroyed in these years. Since then company declined till year 2013.
The recent bull run took it past 40 and recent sell of made it touch 20 odd mark. In 16 year period people investing in year 2002 have made 6 times money at current market price.
Anjani Synthetics Limited My Opinion
Textiles is huge sector. There are many companies listed in this space. Some are large and some are small. You have companies with one factory listed on exchanges just like Anjani Synthetics.
Textiles is evergreen sector. There will be demand of textiles products. The demand will increase with time. The sector is good but there are too many players in it. Each battling and trying to retain and regain market share.
Personally I do not like to invest in too crowded sector. Textiles is one sector battling with Debt issues as well. So I do not invest in the sector. Instead of investing in single factory company it is better to invest in market leader if you are interested in this sector.
You can also look into Companies catering Textile companies like Textile machinery companies. I do have textile machinery company in my stock watch list as of this writing and may invest in it in future. I will cover textile machinery sector in my future posts for sure.
Note I will not recommend to invest in Anjani Synthetics limited due to volatile nature of stock price movement, single factory company operating in competitive sector.