Nahar Capital & Financial Services Ltd. Detail
Nahar Capital & Financial Services Ltd. is in portfolio of Subramanian P. He is one of the top investors in India. The company belongs to Finance Investment sector.
As per the Company website it is to carry on the business of investment in shares, debentures, stock, bonds and securities of all kinds and other businesses generally carried on by finance and investment companies.
The Company is doing investment activities with long term perspective as well as doing trading business to avail the benefits of short term investment/financial opportunities in the present market conditions.
It is also doing the lending activities to avail the benefits of financial opportunities in the present market conditions and for the further growth and profitability of the Company. It usually lend against the security of shares, Government Bonds, gold, property and other assets.
Now lets look at performance of this company over the years.As per Dow theory of technical analysis price performance over a period of time reflects Company state.
Nahar Capital & Financial Services Ltd. Stock Performance

The Company made its debut on Stock Exchanges in year 2008 at 78 INR mark. In last one decade Company has not given any positive return. It is still trading at same level.
Over the decade Company is fluctuating between 50 and 200. It did touch 200 for quite small period of time. The low value is 50 for past 5 years or so.The dividend yield is close to 2% at current market price.
For IPO investors this Company has not given any positive return.
Nahar Capital & Financial Services Ltd. My Opinion
Nahar Capital & Financial Services Ltd. is in Financial Investment sector. Based on past performance Company does not look attractive. It does not have any MOAT business. The financial investment space is too crowded.
It also invests money in Stock Exchanges. This is a kind of Asset Management Business. This is also very crowded space and will grow in future. Many top investors are investing in this space as well.
Subramanian P has also invested in more than one company from this space. Below is one of the Company in this space
- Mukesh Babu Financial Services Ltd.
- Goldcrest Corporation Ltd.
- Dhoot Industrial Finance Ltd.
- Dhanvarsha Finvest Ltd.
I have also invested in Asset Management Company. So I am not interested to invest in this space.In case you are interested then you can track the company by adding it to your stock watch list. That way you can keep close eye on the Company.